His general health was good, although he was prone to getting a cold or flu every three months. His tongue was red, with a dry-yellow coating. His pulse was very full and rapid.
Diagnosis: Lung and Stomach Heat. It was believed that Stomach Heat had reached his Lungs, depleting Lung Yin and Lung Qi as well.
Treatment Principle: Clear Heat from his Stomach organ system, and also nourish Yin and Lung Qi.
Acupuncture Points Used: LI 4, LR 3, LI 11, ST 44, SP 6, KD 6, LU 7
After two treatments per week for 4 weeks, the patient reported that his blood pressure had dropped to safer levels. He continued treatment once a week for two more weeks, and then returned periodically for routine maintenance.
By Richard Lobbenberg, Acupuncturist and TCM Practitioner
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