With all of the different ways to lose weight today, acupuncture
is becoming one of the more popular methods, most likely because it's
natural, and carries with it no side effects. In addition, acupuncture
can help with pain issues, sleep concerns, and much more, so you get multiple benefits whenever you have a treatment!
Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), we don't consider 'weight loss' as
an issue per se, but rather the preponderance of Dampness as the real
concern. According to TCM theory, Dampness is caused by an imbalance in
your body fluids, which have to them a thin part and also a thick part.
Dampness is essentially too much of the thick part. Symptoms of Dampness
in your body include excess weight, as well as headaches, feeling heavy
and sluggish, and loose stool, among others.
Not surprisingly, Dampness is usually created from a poor diet and lack of exercise. Your Spleen
(capitalized to differentiate from the scientific definition) is in
charge of taking in nutrients from your food and the air that you
breathe, and then transforming and distributing those nutrients to your
body. Harmed by fatty foods, your Spleen will inevitably produce
imbalanced body fluids, and not enough energy as a result. The Dampness
then goes on to block important meridians (pathways in your body for
energy and other nutrients), which can cause various types of pain,
digestive issues, and so on.
Dampness is not easy to resolve, but
the good news is that acupuncture carries with it a variety of methods
of TCM that can help. For example, certain points on your body on your
lower legs can help boost your energy, while others can help your body
expel the Dampness. Other points that can help exist on your forearms,
your abdomen, and your back. Ear seeds are also quite popular with
weight loss, as points on your ears have been found to be particularly
effective for weight loss. Ear seeds are tiny seeds from the Vaccaria
plant, that are affixed to small pieces of bandage-like tape. The seeds
are taped to a variety of points on your ear, and your acupuncturist
will instruct you on when and how to press on these points over the next
few days that they remain stuck there.
There are TCM herbs that
can also be prescribed to help with resolving Dampness and helping you
to lose weight, but make sure that these are prescribed by an
acupuncturist with a proper TCM background. Taking herbs without proper
supervision can be dangerous, especially when it comes to herbs that
'remove' as opposed to 'nourish'.
Finally, your acupuncturist can
help recommend a proper eating plan, which will likely include bitter
foods (such as rapini), which can help strengthen your Spleen and
resolve Dampness. Follow their advice about exercise as well, as they
can tell you whether you need lighter or more aggressive exercise to
help you lose weight.
By Richard Lobbenberg, Acupuncturist and TCM Practitioner
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