Friday, 31 May 2013

3 Tips on Eating Out With Diabetes

When you have diabetes, managing your diet can be strenuous. Managing your diet when you're diabetic and eating away from home is even more challenging. When restaurants and fast food are the only options, how do you know what to choose? Certainly eating nothing is not an option, since that's dangerous to any diabetic. But what's the best choice with limited options? Here are a few tips to follow when eating out on a diabetic diet:

1. Ask What. Whenever you're compelled to eat from a menu that you're unfamiliar with, ask yourself what the true content of the food is. Consider what the carbohydrates are: are they complex, do they contain any fiber and if so to what extent? Fruits and veggies are the best type of carbs, but you do need to include whole grains for their unique nutritional value. Next, what type of fat is in the food you're looking at? What oils have been used to cook this food, and how much has been used? Some oils have a higher caloric impact, while others are more processed and may be absorbed into your system more quickly. Finally, ask what type of protein is involved in what you're eating. You want to eat lean meats, and if eating vegetarian, consider that beans, legumes, and so on aren't complete proteins in and of themselves. Food combining becomes very important when you're eating vegetarian to ensure that you get the right amino acids, i.e. the building blocks of protein. Eat legumes with grains, nuts or seeds, grains with legumes or dairy, and nuts and seeds with legumes.

2. Ask When. How often to eat is an essential element to eating with diabetes. When eating out, it becomes more difficult, especially if you manage your diabetes with insulin. First of all, do not take your insulin at home and then go out to a restaurant – you can't control delays in your food delivery when you're out, so take your medication with you. Secondly, consider portion sizes with the frequency of your meals. Try to avoid eating too much at one time, and instead take some food home with you when appropriate. You will often not know truly how big the meal you're ordering is until it's in front of you, so be prepared to ask for a doggie bag to avoid throwing your blood glucose levels out of whack.

3. Ask Who. Whoever's food you're eating, i.e. what type of cuisine it is, can present certain challenges for you if you're diabetic. For example, Italian food often involves pasta, sauce, and occasionally free bread. Always opt for whole grain pasta, limit your bread intake to one serving, and try to order sauces that are free of fattening things like dairy, or bacon. With Tex-Mex food, it often comes loaded with cheese and/or sour cream, so be careful how much you consume. Plus, those tasty dishes can often be deep fried, so make sure you're aware of how they've been prepared. Asian food is much more popular these days, but alas this cuisine has become more westernized. All-you-can-eat-buffets are common, and more and more things are being deep fried. Plus, those delicious Asian sauces often contain tons of hidden sugar.

The bottom line is simply to think before you eat. Luckily, eating out is still an option – just get educated about what you're going to ingest, when you're going to do it, and where some of the hidden calories might come from. You never know, you might help out some friends with your new-found knowledge!

By Richard Lobbenberg, Acupuncturist and TCM Practitioner

Wednesday, 29 May 2013

3 Tips on Helping Your Teen with Diabetes

Having a teenager is tough enough trying to balance an urge to care for them constantly, with wanting to give them their space and show them trust. When your teen has diabetes, it becomes that much more difficult – how can you leave them alone and trust that they'll take proper care of themselves? Especially when their self-care is that much more important than that of their peers? With a few key tips, you can learn to let go, while at the same time know that the ones you love are safe and prepared.

1. Let them be seen. Especially in the early teen years, your teenager will place a great deal of importance on body image and will seek more reassurance from their peers than from you. This is a good reason to promote healthy diet and exercise plans for the whole family rather than mentioning weight issues and body changes in your teen. Keep an eye out for potentially risky behaviour: some teens can be tempted to reduce or skip meals, or even their insulin injections in an effort to lose weight.

2. Let them be free. Try to give positive encouragement to your teen about their diabetes management. Even using terms like 'good' or 'bad' can come across as judgemental, so try to praise them freely and at the same time focus on a plan. This won't be easy, because being a teen also means being spontaneous, and diabetes can certainly discourage a lot of that spirit-freeing need. When there's a next step to plan for, the current results tend to be less important, so try to encourage them to think about 'what's next' regarding their diabetes management. With a plan in place, they can learn to follow it without much thought to it, so they can still go out and be spontaneous.

3. Let them be a boss. Have them be involved in the decision making process: when they have worked with you and their diabetes team, together you've all decided on the right goals. These goals include safe glucose levels, the right diet plan, and the right medication plan, and so then reminding them about what they helped to decide means a lot. It certainly has more impact than telling them what you think or what the doctor told them – giving them a say in their own health and then holding them to their word will go a long way.

Ultimately, there's going to come a point where you just have to let go – you can't be around your teen every minute of every day, and you have to accept that the disease really is their disease, and not yours. Sometimes being a good parent means being there for your child, and sometimes it means just being there in case they need you. Keep the lines of communication open, and when they do approach you, be supportive.

By Richard Lobbenberg, Acupuncturist and TCM Practitioner

Monday, 27 May 2013

Case Study: Acupuncture and TCM for Diabetes and Double Vision

acupuncture forest hill torontoA 62 year-old woman presented with a main complaint of double-vision, especially at night, for two months. She was no longer able to drive, and was very concerned with getting her driver's license back. She had been diagnosed with diabetes 7 years previous.

Other symptoms included night sweats, some low-back pain, and frequent urination. She also experienced some occasional weakness in her right knee, and had dry skin and itchiness on her forearms and lower legs.

Her tongue was red with very little coating, and her pulse was quite thin and rapid.

Diagnosis: Kidney Yin Deficiency affecting the Liver, and hence the eyes.

Treatment Principle: Nourish Yin and Liver Blood to correct the vision issues.

Acupuncture Points Used: BL 17, BL 23, GB 25, RN 4, RN 6, KD 2, KD 3, KD 9, SP 6, LR 8

Herbal Formula Used: Qi Ju Dihuang Wan (Lycium Chrysanthemum Rehmannia Pill) to nourish the Yin and benefit the eyes.

After 10 treatments over the course of six weeks, the patient reported no more incidents of blurred vision at night. Her doctor's testing confirmed that she was indeed seeing properly, and could get her driver's license back. She also experienced some relief of her night sweats.

By Richard Lobbenberg, Acupuncturist and TCM Practitioner

Case Study: Acupuncture for Diabetes and High Blood Pressure

acupuncture for diabetes st clair west torontoA 59 year-old man had been suffering from diabetes for the previous 11 years. He was diagnosed with borderline high blood pressure 2 months ago. The diabetes presented with excessive thirst, with dry mouth and tongue. The patient also complained of frequent urination, including at least two times during the night, when he was woken by the urge. He also had dry and cracked lips, and apparently had suffered from constipation since his teenage years. Blood pressure was reported as 140/85.

His general health was good, although he was prone to getting a cold or flu every three months. His tongue was red, with a dry-yellow coating. His pulse was very full and rapid.

Diagnosis: Lung and Stomach Heat. It was believed that Stomach Heat had reached his Lungs, depleting Lung Yin and Lung Qi as well.

Treatment Principle: Clear Heat from his Stomach organ system, and also nourish Yin and Lung Qi.

Acupuncture Points Used: LI 4, LR 3, LI 11, ST 44, SP 6, KD 6, LU 7

After two treatments per week for 4 weeks, the patient reported that his blood pressure had dropped to safer levels. He continued treatment once a week for two more weeks, and then returned periodically for routine maintenance.

By Richard Lobbenberg, Acupuncturist and TCM Practitioner

5 Tips About Your Ageing Parent and Diabetes

With the growing epidemic of diabetes in our society, it's no wonder that many people are finding they have an ageing parent with the disease. If you're one of this burgeoning group of people, you may be discovering that this parent who once took such good care of you is now not taking very good care of themselves. And with a diagnosis of diabetes, them taking care of themselves is an even greater concern for you. No diagnosis yet? Here are the signs to look for that might indicate your parent is diabetic:
  • extreme thirst
  • extreme hunger
  • frequent need to urinate
  • nausea
  • blurred vision
  • shaking or tremors
  • anxiety or irritability
  • fatigue
  • dizziness and/or confusion
  • irregular or fast heart beat
Once you're sure that your parent needs your help, there's no going back. But don't feel overwhelmed just yet – there are a lot of ways that you can help them, and a lot of resources out there to help support you in your efforts. Here are some tips:

1. Get educated. Knowing about the risks, the warning signs, and treatment options for diabetes can go a long way to helping you be prepared. And being prepared will help give you a better feeling of control and reassurance that everything is going to be okay with your loved one.

2. Manage the team. You, your parent, and the doctor(s) involved are a team now. Make sure that you're involved in communicating with your parent and their medical professionals so you can not only see that all the bases are being covered, but so that you can have some peace of mind about it too.

3. Get active. If your parent is not very active, invite him/her out on outings with you, even that just means a walk after dinner. Try to get them involved in activities that they might enjoy as well. Some examples are gardening, mall-walking, art classes, Tai Chi or light yoga. Even spending more time with the rest of their family doing things can help them move those muscles more. Click here for more tips about exercising with diabetes.

4. Get cooking. Help your parent plan meals by cooking for them and showing them how delicious healthy food can be! It's one thing to tell them what to eat – it's another to show them. Click here for more tips on eating with diabetes.

5. Find support. Join a support group that will help you cope – you're not alone and there are tons of people online and in person who want to show you just that. Being proactive and discovering that you have someone there when you need them can make you that much more helpful to that parent who loves you.

Switching roles and becoming the care-giver can be a scary process. Sometimes it's gradual, while other times it comes along quite quickly. Try to be patient with yourself and your parent through this process: avoid using words like 'good' or 'bad' with the both of you. You're both learning and growing, so adapting to diabetes doesn't have to be a torturous ordeal. It can simply be something that you do together.

By Richard Lobbenberg, Acupuncturist and TCM Practitioner

These links may also be helpful:

Wednesday, 22 May 2013

Diabetes and the Link to Kidney Disease

acupuncture and massage therapy forest hill toronto
The complications of diabetes can lead to a variety of issues, one of which is the possible threat of kidney trouble. If you've been diagnosed with diabetes, or even prediabetes, there are certain steps that you can take to help prevent the onset of kidney disease, aka nephropathy. Nephropathy caused by diabetes is known as diabetic nephropathy.

Diabetes is indeed the leading cause of kidney failure today, and is more prevalent in African Americans, aboriginal Americans, and Latin Americans. Unfortunately, the precise interplay between diabetes and kidney disease is not well known, and there is not yet a cure for diabetic nephropathy. Essentially, it is believed that over years with high blood pressure and high blood glucose levels, your kidneys become damaged, thus preventing them from working properly, or even failing altogether. Luckily, proper management of diabetes can prevent or delay any serious damage to your kidneys.

Your kidneys help to filter your blood, excreting waste through your urine. Your kidneys also help to regulate the fluids and salt content in your body, an important factor in controlling your blood pressure. Each of your two kidneys has approximately one million tiny filtration units, called nephrons. And each nephron has a small filter called a glomerulus, which is attached to a tubule. It is through this tubule that waste and water pass through. When breakdown occurs, it is at this point, where the glomeruli work together with the tubules.

As was said above, it is unclear why high blood sugars and high blood pressure should damage your glomeruli, although it is likely related to your kidneys working so much harder to compensate for increased blood pressure. Because high blood sugar levels damage your blood cells, this further stresses your kidneys as the glomeruli are essentially a network of blood cells.

The following are some of the early signs of kidney disease in people with diabetes:

1. Albumin/protein in your urine.
2. High blood pressure.
3. Swelling in your legs, feet or face.
4. Going to the bathroom more frequently.
5. High levels of nitrogen and creatinine in your blood.
6. Less need for diabetic medicines, such as insulin.
7. Nausea and/or vomiting.
8. Headaches.
9. Fatigue.
10. Itchiness.

If you are diagnosed with kidney disease, you will likely be treated as part of a comprehensive approach to treating your diabetes. Some conventional medical options for treatment include medication such as ACE inhibitors, as well as dialysis, or even kidney transplant.

Here are some key ideas on preventing kidney disease:
  • Strictly control your blood sugar levels by eating properly, and monitoring your levels within the target range specified by your doctor.
  • Ensure that your blood pressure and blood cholesterol levels are well controlled.
  • Avoid NSAIDS (non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs), e.g. aspirin or ibuprofen, which have been linked to some issues with kidney function.
  • Don't smoke cigarettes or consume nicotine in any form.
  • Treat urinary tract infections immediately with antibiotics.
  • Drink plenty of water and avoid sugary drinks and alcohol.
  • Avoid medical tests that may damage your kidneys, including x-rays that require the injection of contrast dyes.
  • Take your prescribed medications and get regular tests to determine the health of your kidneys.
  • Get regular exercise.
  • Follow a healthy meal plan.
Furthermore, getting regular acupuncture can help you to balance your hormonal levels, your blood sugar levels, and your blood pressure as well. Acupuncture does not interfere with medication, and so is completely safe to administer alongside your other treatments. Ensure that whoever is treating you with acupuncture is well trained in Traditional Chinese Medicine, so that you will be diagnosed properly.

By Richard Lobbenberg, Acupuncturist and TCM Practitioner

Saturday, 18 May 2013

4 Tips on Dieting with Diabetes

If you have diabetes, you may be finding that, well, it's a lot of work! And if you've been diagnosed with prediabetes, you're going to want to know what the consequences of the full-blown illness are. You'll have to monitor your blood sugar levels, time your meals, maybe take insulin, definitely exercise, and generally be aware of everything that you're doing (and about to do!) at any given time of day. That can add up to a lot of time spent doing things that the average person doesn't need to do. And with diabetes on the rise, you won't be alone for much longer when it comes to needing a plan to get everything done. Here are some important food points to focus on:

1. Cut out the refined. No, I don't mean the refined people – you guys can still be friends. But stay away from those refined carbohydrates (aka 'sugars') that are everywhere, like in white breads, pastas, cereals, rice and even white potatoes. Instead, focus on whole-grains in your breads, etc., and eat starchy foods like potatoes in moderation. The more refined the carbohydrate, the quicker it's broken down, and thus the higher your blood glucose (once again, aka 'sugar') levels will rise, since your cells can use insulin receptors only so well. And with diabetes, that's serious! Whole-grains will also help to make sure that you get enough fiber, and consequently help to reduce your risk of heart disease, which is closely linked to diabetes.

2. Shrink it and spread it. No, this isn't your tummy I'm talking about here! (Although, you do want to try and rid yourself of any abdominal fat that you might have accumulated – it will help lower your risk of heart disease - see the reference to fiber, above). I'm talking about your meals: smaller meals that are consumed throughout the day at more frequent intervals will help keep your blood sugar levels in check. Try to take in the same amount of food that you'd normally eat, say in three meals, and then split it in half and eat six smaller meals instead.

3. Get fat. Good fat, that is! Avoid saturated fats, not because of potential heart issues (that's right, overwhelming evidence shows that sat-fats are not directly linked to ticker trouble), but because these fats are high in calories. Limit your intake of fatty beef, hot dogs, sausage, bacon... you see where I'm going with this. But don't fret – you can still eat that stuff, just do it in moderation! Most of the time, swap these foods for others like avocados and nuts, which have the good fats. And eat fish or take fish oil supplements, as these are your best sources for omega fatty acids.

4. Watch the sugar. That's a no-brainer when it comes to diabetes, but be aware of the fact that there's a lot of sugar in alcohol (click here to read more), and pretty much anything that you drink that isn't water, even when it says it's 'made with real juice'. Read the nutrition labels and look at caloric content as well as the amount of sugar in what you're consuming. And when you crave something sweet, go for things like fruit, nuts, yogurt, ricotta cheese, and other things that don't have sugar added to them. If you really need that piece of cake, try just half a slice, and eat it slowly, savouring every bite. That little trick makes your mind feel like it's getting the whole thing!

If you follow this advice about eating well, and get some exercise (click here for some tips on exercising with diabetes), you should be able to lead a relatively normal life.  So do the little extra that it takes to manage or prevent this potentially deadly illness, and you'll still live a long, healthy and happy life.

By Richard Lobbenberg, Acupuncturist and TCM Practitioner

Wednesday, 15 May 2013

Diabetes and Drinking Alcohol

acupuncture and massage therapy forest hill toronto
Unfortunately, drinking alcohol when you have diabetes is a little tricky. Alcohol is processed very similarly to the way in which fat is processed, and is also quite high in calories. Therefore your blood sugar levels can rise quite high, which makes things difficult if you also have diabetes. However, excessive amounts of alcohol can actually cause your blood sugar levels to drop, even to dangerous levels, so be careful of this fact as well. Indeed, low blood glucose levels (hypoglycemia) can occur up to 24 hours after drinking alcohol. Morning hypoglycemia can affect you if you have type 1 diabetes and consume alcohol 2 to 3 hours after your previous evening's meal.

Essentially, you should certainly avoid alcohol if you are diabetic and:
Your doctor would be a good person to talk to about whether or not alcohol would be a possible choice. If you are given the green light, do make sure that you eat a meal while consuming anything alcoholic, especially one that is rich in carbohydrates. However, be cautious with the amount you're eating, as alcohol can stimulate your appetite and cause you to overeat, affecting your blood sugar levels.

Limit yourself to no more than 2 drinks in a single occasion. When you drink alcohol, it moves into your bloodstream without being metabolized by your stomach. This means that it has to circulate in your blood until it reaches your liver, where it will finally be broken down. Drinking too much alcohol, therefore, interferes with the work that your liver has to do to help regulate your blood sugar levels. Also, be aware that glucagon (which normally helps with low blood glucose levels) will not work while there is alcohol in your body.

So go ahead and have a drink, but be wary. Make sure that you wear your identification bracelet, and that you're with a friend who is aware of your diabetes and the potential symptoms that might present with low blood sugar levels. And make sure that they know to call an ambulance if you pass out while drinking. Finally, check your blood glucose before going to bed. Eat something if it's low, and make sure that you set an alarm to ensure that you don't experience delayed low blood glucose.

Your body is not the same as it once might have been, so treat it accordingly. If you do this, you'll likely have a much longer and healthier life, and you'll probably enjoy it that much more too!

By Richard Lobbenberg, Acupuncturist and TCM Practitioner

Tuesday, 14 May 2013

Massage Therapy as a Treatment for Diabetes

acupuncture and massage therapy forest hill torontoBecause diabetes involves the need for the maintenance of healthy blood glucose levels (i.e. sugar to be converted into energy in your cells), when you have diabetes you have to follow a somewhat strict plan for living. This plan includes the use of medication where applicable (usually insulin in some form), with a balanced diet and adequate exercise. If you're diabetic you will also need to refrain from smoking tobacco, and will need to be aware of possible hormonal imbalances (i.e. thyroid hormones and estrogen) as well.

So where does massage therapy come in? Well, because of the variety of benefits that massage therapy offers, if you have diabetes you can see a number of positive reactions from treatment. A session only once a week can offer some of these excellent benefits:

1. Stress. Massage helps to lower your stress levels, which can affect hormonal imbalances and in turn affect your blood sugar levels. Fluctuating blood sugar levels can put a further strain on your mental capacities, furthering the frustrating stress-blood-sugar-cycle. Thus massage can help you to lower stress and thereby help you to manage your diabetes. In addition, lowering of stress levels can have profound effects on your heart health, which can also be compromised with diabetes.

2. Circulation. Since high blood sugar levels can cause hardening of your arteries, you can gain a lot from increased circulation in addition to improving your heart health. And because your feet are furthest from your heart, it is in your lower legs that massage therapy is most beneficial, especially in regards to wound healing and improving sensation. This is a very positive result of massage, since foot issues can disable you and make life very difficult. Furthermore, increased circulation can help your cells in regards to insulin uptake, an added benefit with diabetes.

3. Connective tissue. Elevated blood sugar levels tend to cause a thickening of the connective tissues in your body, i.e. those tissues that connect your muscles to your joints and skin. This thickening makes it very difficult to move around with ease. Thus with diabetes, you may experience some pain and reduced mobility, something that massage therapy can help to counteract.

Overall, massage therapy can help immensely if you suffer from diabetes. Although you will still need to maintain a healthy diet and exercise routine, massage can help to balance your blood sugar levels and keep you physically fit.

By Richard Lobbenberg, Acupuncturist and TCM Practitioner

Monday, 13 May 2013

Diabetes and Smoking

acupuncture and massage therapy forest hill torontoSmoking cigarettes, cigars, pipes (or what have you) is dangerous to your health, and for good reason has become a lot less popular over the years. However, it is still an issue for many people, and is especially dangerous for someone with diabetes. In fact, if you smoke you are more likely to have higher blood sugar levels, which makes managing your diabetes that much more difficult. And if you smoke you are more likely to develop diabetes - obviously one of the more serious risks of smoking. And because both diabetes and smoking can damage your blood vessels, by combining the two you run the risk of developing nerve damage, blindness, kidney failure, and heart disease.

If you are female and are a smoker, this carries potential risks for your endocrine system. For example, smoking can cause your estrogen levels to be depleted, which can have serious effects that include changes to your body fat distribution, reaching menopause earlier, and also the development breast cancer.

More and more smokers today want to quit, and if you are one of this growing number of people, then you should be aware of some of the better ways of quitting. Unfortunately, it is believed now that it is the nicotine in cigarettes that causes blood sugar levels to remain elevated. Thus, nicotine replacement products such as nicotine patches, nicotine gum, and nicotine-containing electronic cigarettes, are not a viable method of quitting any longer. Also, smokeless tobacco products such as snuff and chewing tobacco will not only continue to predispose you to diabetes, but will also open the door for other types of cancers.

If you are looking for a healthy alternative, try some of the following methods, concurrently if possible:
Your doctor may also recommend a prescribed antidepressant to help reduce your urge to smoke. While there may be some side effects to this method of quitting, taking the drugs temporarily will limit the negative results.

The good news is that once you quit smoking, your lungs, heart and the rest of your body start to repair themselves immediately. After 10 years, the health of a former smoker closely resembles that of someone who has never smoked. But be patient while you quit, especially if you have diabetes. Your health will take years to improve, so be sure to continue monitoring your blood sugar levels, getting regular exercise and eating a healthy diet full of fresh fruits and vegetables, lean meats and proteins, and whole grains.

By Richard Lobbenberg, Acupuncturist and TCM Practitioner

Saturday, 11 May 2013

Acupuncture for Weight Loss

acupuncture for weight loss torontoWith all of the different ways to lose weight today, acupuncture is becoming one of the more popular methods, most likely because it's natural, and carries with it no side effects. In addition, acupuncture can help with pain issues, sleep concerns, and much more, so you get multiple benefits whenever you have a treatment!
In Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), we don't consider 'weight loss' as an issue per se, but rather the preponderance of Dampness as the real concern. According to TCM theory, Dampness is caused by an imbalance in your body fluids, which have to them a thin part and also a thick part. Dampness is essentially too much of the thick part. Symptoms of Dampness in your body include excess weight, as well as headaches, feeling heavy and sluggish, and loose stool, among others.

Not surprisingly, Dampness is usually created from a poor diet and lack of exercise. Your Spleen (capitalized to differentiate from the scientific definition) is in charge of taking in nutrients from your food and the air that you breathe, and then transforming and distributing those nutrients to your body. Harmed by fatty foods, your Spleen will inevitably produce imbalanced body fluids, and not enough energy as a result. The Dampness then goes on to block important meridians (pathways in your body for energy and other nutrients), which can cause various types of pain, digestive issues, and so on.

Dampness is not easy to resolve, but the good news is that acupuncture carries with it a variety of methods of TCM that can help. For example, certain points on your body on your lower legs can help boost your energy, while others can help your body expel the Dampness. Other points that can help exist on your forearms, your abdomen, and your back. Ear seeds are also quite popular with weight loss, as points on your ears have been found to be particularly effective for weight loss. Ear seeds are tiny seeds from the Vaccaria plant, that are affixed to small pieces of bandage-like tape. The seeds are taped to a variety of points on your ear, and your acupuncturist will instruct you on when and how to press on these points over the next few days that they remain stuck there.

There are TCM herbs that can also be prescribed to help with resolving Dampness and helping you to lose weight, but make sure that these are prescribed by an acupuncturist with a proper TCM background. Taking herbs without proper supervision can be dangerous, especially when it comes to herbs that 'remove' as opposed to 'nourish'.

Finally, your acupuncturist can help recommend a proper eating plan, which will likely include bitter foods (such as rapini), which can help strengthen your Spleen and resolve Dampness. Follow their advice about exercise as well, as they can tell you whether you need lighter or more aggressive exercise to help you lose weight.

By Richard Lobbenberg, Acupuncturist and TCM Practitioner

Friday, 10 May 2013

5 Tips for Losing Weight and Eating Healthy

Losing weight is easy, right? Just eat less and exercise more! If only it were that simple. Sadly, it's not, as you only have so much time in the day to exercise, and certainly just the thought of looking up the caloric input of everything you consume can be daunting, to say the least. It seems that the best you can do is to get the exercise you can manage to squeeze in, and just do your best to be efficient and smart when planning meals. Here are some good tips for getting the most out of your meals:

1. Adjust your focus. Because counting calories is so much work, forget it. That's right – forget it! Instead of putting a focus on how much you're consuming (and like many, also on how many calories you're burning), shift your focus to how much colour, freshness and variety you can put into the food you're eating. This is certainly a challenge in and of itself, so spend your energy here instead. You'll find that you're making all kinds of new recipes, replete with fresh and tasty ingredients. And eating healthier will become that much more enjoyable! Try starting with a variety of greens, reds, yellows, and whatever other colours you can throw in!

2. Get wet. Drinking lots of water helps in many ways, including satisfying cravings, flushing out your system of unwanted byproducts of exercise (and life), and even energizing your muscles by keeping their electrolyte/fluid balance in check. And make sure that you eat lots of fruit and vegetables as well, which themselves contain a lot of water. Start out by getting your own water bottle that you carry everywhere with you (but wash out daily). Keep it full, and keep draining it throughout the day.  Soon it will be like second nature.

3. Speaking of fruits and vegetables... That's right, eat 'em! In fact, aim for 7-9 servings of fruits and veggies each day. A serving, by the way, is about one of your own handfuls, so it's not an impossible amount to achieve. And because they contain so much water, eating more of these nutritional-powerhouses will make you feel fuller for longer. Try making them the center of your diet – make at least half your plate veg, and for snacks and desserts, have fruit as the main element.

4. Eat hungry. This isn't always easy, but try to eat when you're hungry, not just when you think you should be eating. This is tough when you have a strict exercise plan, because you need energy to get you through a workout and energy to refuel after. But overall you might be taking in more than you really need, as your body is built to survive on less than you might think. If you're not hungry, avoid eating a while longer. And when you do eat, try to eat enough to just satisfy you until hunger comes again.

5. Eat whatever you want. Don't believe it? It's true! If you follow the above advice, you can eat whatever you'd like, without having to check an app first to make sure that it's okay. And above all, enjoy your food – chew it slowly and taste it. Try to eat with others and talk about what you're eating so that you're aware of what you're actually consuming. And when you do eat by yourself, don't multi-task – it can make you feel like you haven't eaten anything. Next time you eat, try to focus only on your food, chewing slowly, savoring every bite. After only a few bites, you'll be amazed at the difference a little attention can make.

6. Be an omnivore. I know that many of my patients will scoff at this, but a little meat is okay, unless you're a true animal rights activist. However, our society does indeed consume much more meat than we really need to. 50,000 years ago when the human race stopped evolving, how much meat do you think we were getting? Not much, for sure. So look to eggs and a little dairy for vitamin B-12, and otherwise try to eat vegetarian the rest of the time. Other meat once or twice a week is fine, but daily is unnecessary, and can add a lot of unnecessary calories to your diet. Try to get your protein instead from beans, legumes, nuts, and whole grains. Just make sure that you get a good variety, as they're not complete proteins on their own.

Above all, trust your instincts, and learn to listen to your body.  If you're craving something sweet, you probably instinctively want some fruit.  All of these refined sugars didn't exist 50,000 years ago right?  So then your genes aren't really built to crave them.  No matter what the food industry wants you to believe.

Remember, natural is always best!

By Richard Lobbenberg, Acupuncturist and TCM Practitioner

Thursday, 9 May 2013

Obesity and the Increased Risk for Diabetes

acupuncture and massage therapy forest hill toronto
People with type 2 diabetes tend to be overweight or obese, and while there is general agreement about a link between the two, the scientific understanding is still not yet clear. It seems that obesity, especially with fat accumulation in your abdomen, promotes insulin resistance which then causes your pancreas to try and secrete more insulin. If your pancreas can't keep up to the increased demand, then your cells can't process glucose (sugar), for which the insulin is necessary. When this happens, you have developed type 2 diabetes. The other way type 2 develops is when your pancreas cannot produce enough insulin regardless of resistance. Type 1 diabetes occurs when your pancreas simply doesn't produce any insulin at all.

So what happens in obese people and insulin resistance? It has been shown that a high fat diet causes abnormal glucose production in your liver. In healthier people, glucose production in the liver only occurs when your blood sugar levels get too low. This behaviour of your liver with obesity, increasing blood glucose levels, is an important step towards developing insulin resistance. This has to do with a process by which the endoplasmic reticulum in your cells, which process fats and proteins, become 'stressed'. The endoplasmic reticulum then send out signals to tell your body to ignore insulin until the fat processing has finished.

Other studies show that a diet high in sugar can be a precursor to developing diabetes as well, perhaps explaining why some people who are not overweight but maintain poor diet habits can develop insulin resistance.

Further scientific evidence points to fat cells producing a hormone known as resistin. This hormone supposedly prevents cells from using insulin properly, affecting your blood glucose levels, your appetite, and your fat storage.

The bottom line is that your pancreas secretes insulin as you eat, and your cells, using insulin, permit the transport of sugar (glucose) inside, to be converted into energy. Diabetes prevents your cells from using the insulin, causing your blood sugar levels to be higher than normal, and your cells to lack the necessary ingredients to produce energy, which of course is essential for basic life functions. How obesity is connected to helping create this situation may not be perfectly clear, but you can certainly be sure that exercise and a healthy diet will not only combat obesity, but will also help you manage diabetes.

Yoga is a great exercise, and is good for all levels of people – it's just a matter of finding the right teacher for you. Acupuncture can help to regulate your blood sugar and energy levels, and can even help you to lose weight.

By Richard Lobbenberg, Acupuncturist and TCM Practitioner

Wednesday, 8 May 2013

Diabetes and Pregnancy - What You Need to Know

Diabetes is a serious condition and should be treated seriously. Having a child if you're already diabetic requires some preparation beforehand, and even if you don't already have diabetes you should know some facts about how diabetes can develop once you do become pregnant.

If you have been diagnosed with diabetes and are thinking of conceiving, you will need to ensure, first of all, that you get your blood sugar levels under control beforehand. Make sure that you're following all of your doctor's advice in this regard (including exercising, losing some weight if necessary, and abstaining from drinking alcohol). Secondly, once you do become pregnant, make sure that you carefully monitor your blood sugar levels throughout, to help ensure that you and your baby avoid any potential (and rare) complications. Since women with diabetes are more likely to miscarry, consider acupuncture as a natural method of preventing this from happening.

If you don't presently have diabetes, there is little to worry about in this regard before conceiving. However, when you do become pregnant, especially into your third trimester, a temporary form of diabetes called 'gestational diabetes' can become a real concern for any moms-to-be. Your doctor will tell you if you are in danger of developing this condition, which can remain temporary or can sometimes become permanent, even passed on to your child. Here are some tips on what you need to know about gestational diabetes, and what you can do to prevent and/or manage it to keep it from becoming more serious.

1. Like other forms of diabetes, gestational diabetes means that you have abnormally high levels of sugar in your blood. Normally, this happens because of your genetics combined with other factors, such as diet, exercise, and how much abdominal fat you carry on your waistline. But with pregnancy, your hormones make your cells less responsive to insulin, which is fine if your pancreas can secrete more to compensate. It's when your pancreas can't keep up with the extra workload that your blood sugar levels get too high and you develop gestational diabetes.

2. Because there are often no signs for gestational diabetes, you will need to be tested around week 24 of your pregnancy, unless you already are at high risk for diabetes, in which case you may be tested as early as your first prenatal visit, and then again later on. Because of variables on these types of tests, you may need a follow-up test even though there is likely nothing to be concerned about.

3. The risk factors for developing gestational diabetes include the following:
  • you have a BMI over 30
  • you've had gestational diabetes previously
  • you have a family history of diabetes
  • you've previously given birth to a baby over 9 pounds in weight
  • you have high blood pressure
  • you're over 35 years old
4. If you do happen to develop gestational diabetes, don't be too alarmed. Most likely your baby will still be perfectly healthy. Nonetheless, if you do get diagnosed, do try to make some dietary changes and exercise (such as prenatal yoga) so that you can get your blood sugar levels under control. Doing this will help ensure that you and your baby avoid any complications, including permanent diabetes for both of you, as well as issues with delivery.

Essentially, when it comes to pregnancy, it's a great idea to take folic acid and other recommended supplements such as calcium and multivitamins. Follow your doctor's advice. Do try acupuncture to keep things under control, and try it as a complement to good health habits such as following a proper diet plan and exercising regularly.

By Richard Lobbenberg, Acupuncturist and TCM Practitioner

Monday, 6 May 2013

Depression and the Link to Diabetes

acupuncture and massage therapy forest hill toronto
Although the connection is not easily explained, there is sufficient belief that a sincere link exists between diabetes and depression. Depression may result from stress, but it also might develop from the metabolic effects of diabetes on your brain. And the difficulty in managing diabetes can be stressful unto itself, making the situation worse. Unfortunately, depression often goes undiagnosed, and sometimes is only given consideration well after another serious condition such as diabetes has developed.

Likewise, you can develop diabetes but shrug it off as depression, as many of the symptoms are similar. Some of these signs include:
  • change in appetite
  • lack of energy
  • irritability, agitation, restlessness
  • insomnia
  • reduced libido
  • significant weight gain or weight loss
Depression can also lead to poor lifestyle decisions such as unhealthy eating and lack of exercise, increasing your risk of developing diabetes. Furthermore, this mental state can interfere with your ability to manage diabetes, as depressed people often find their communication and thinking skills affected.

Depression has been shown to increase your risk for diabetes, for reasons which include the following:

1. People with depressive episodes tend to be less likely to follow meal plans and exercise routines, and are also more likely to smoke cigarettes.

2. People who are depressed have higher levels of stress hormones such as cortisol, which can affect your blood sugar metabolism, insulin resistance and can encourage the accumulation of belly fat.

Thus diagnosing depression and/or diabetes is essential to help you manage either or both. Since depression leads to poorer physical and mental functioning, a person is less likely to follow a proper diet plan. If you have developed this mental state because of diabetes, it may benefit you tremendously to seek professional help. Once you have seen a doctor and been prescribed appropriate medication, natural health care such as psychotherapy and acupuncture can help a great deal. Consistent sessions with a psychotherapist will help you manage your depression, and can also help ensure that you are motivated to be following your exercise and diet plans. Acupuncture can affect your hormone levels, blood flow and more, without interfering with whatever medication you are on. This is excellent if you are suffering from both depression and diabetes, as an acupuncture treatment can help with both at the same time, by treating you from a standpoint of energy flow rather than biochemical interactions.

By Richard Lobbenberg, Acupuncturist and TCM Practitioner

Friday, 3 May 2013

Diabetes and Heart Disease

Heart disease and stroke are at the top of the list for causes of death in people with diabetes. And diabetes is now considered a major contributor to the development of heart disease. No wonder it's such a hot topic! Luckily, learning about the connection between heart disease and diabetes can help you prevent something serious from happening.

If you've just been diagnosed with diabetes and have no history of heart disease, you're already in a better position – diabetics with existing heart conditions may develop more severe heart disease. Why? Well, years of high blood sugar levels can cause damage to your blood vessel walls, especially in your heart or brain. When these blood vessels break down, you're at higher risk for heart disease or stroke.

What kind of heart disease is linked to diabetes? When you talk about the link between high blood sugar levels and the deterioration of blood vessels, you're looking at atherosclerosis (aka coronary artery disease or CAD) or congestive heart failure (CHF). Coronary artery disease is the slow narrowing of your heart's arteries, adversely affected by high levels of LDL ('bad') cholesterol in your blood. Blockage can result in a heart attack. Congestive heart failure doesn't necessarily mean that your heart fails, but often just has trouble working properly, causing you to fatigue easily. CAD and CHF are often related, and high blood pressure can also be a factor in their development.

What are the risk factors other than high blood pressure and high LDL cholesterol levels? To limit your chances of developing heart disease, take a look at whether or not you fit into one or more of the following at-risk areas:
  • Obesity. Weight loss can greatly improve your chances of avoiding heart disease, improve your body's insulin sensitivity, and also decrease your body's resistance to insulin.
  • Lack of exercise. Getting some activity into your life can help reduce your blood pressure, and help reduce your risk for heart attack or stroke. The great thing is that almost any type of activity is helpful, so get out there and get active!
  • Smoking. Quitting smoking is a no-brainer. And also a yes-to-life-er.
  • Poor diet. Also a no-brainer, eating right can help tremendously. Make sure you keep monitoring your blood sugar levels when recommended, to keep them under control.
What else can you do to lower your risk of developing heart disease while already being diabetic? Aside from exercise and eating a healthy diet, try acupuncture. This ancient Chinese Medicine can help keep your blood sugar levels in check, improve your circulation, help with insulin levels, and can even help you lose weight.

By Richard Lobbenberg, Acupuncturist and TCM Practitioner

Thursday, 2 May 2013

5 Tips on Exercising with Diabetes

If you have diabetes or are even borderline diabetic, exercise can be very beneficial to keeping your blood sugar levels in the 'safe zone', and also lowering your risk of heart disease. Of course, it's not always so easy to start up a new exercise routine when you're not used to it. And if you're like many people just recently diagnosed with type 2 diabetes, you may be very reluctant to start something new. But the combination of medication, diet, and exercise can go a long way – so consider these tips as a way to get you moving. You'll be glad that you did!

1. Keep it short. Try exercising at first in small increments, such as 10-minute walks. Just make sure that you do them as part of a schedule, i.e. commit to going for a walk 5 days a week. Then make sure that you stick to this easy schedule for at least 3 weeks. Once you get there, decide if you think you can handle longer walks. This adherence to a simple plan will help make exercise a habit, and once it's a habit, you'll start to enjoy the benefits. The increased energy and balanced blood sugar levels will make you feel younger and stronger.

2. Stay active. 10-minute walks only 5 of 7 days a week really isn't much, so what do you do the rest of the time? Well, try staying active by doing things that don't feel like exercise, such as spending more time with family, or taking up a hobby like art classes, Tai Chi, or light yoga. Also, consider getting yourself a pedometer, so that you can accurately measure how many steps you take each day. This will help you ensure that you're getting enough exercise, and can make you feel assured when you do.

3. Call a buddy. Working out with a friend can make all the difference in keeping you motivated. Even better, join a walking group to make sure that there's always someone there to walk with you. Besides motivation, it's nice to have someone along so that you don't get bored!

4. Set some goals. It's great to be committed to exercise and certainly getting out there will help you shed a few pounds and gain some energy. But add a goal to that equation, and you'll not only stay motivated, you'll feel more of a sincere sense of accomplishment. Rather than just saying 'okay, I'll get more exercise', set a goal of something like the above suggested 'walking for 10 minutes, 5 days a week'. You could also add in 'lose 20 pounds' or better yet, how about 'being able to fit into those clothes I haven't worn in ten years'?!

5. Reward yourself. Having a reward to give yourself when you've accomplished your goal will also help tremendously. Use something other than food so that you don't sabotage what you've attained. Something like a planned vacation, getting a spa treatment, or going out to a movie can all be easy ways to remind yourself that what you're doing is a good thing. Best of all, take the time when you're exercising to enjoy what you're doing – feeling your heart pumping or smelling the fresh air can make attaining a goal as easy as... sugar-free pie?

Writing down your goals and tracking them as you go will help tremendously. Remember that you're not alone in this fight: every year more and more people in Canada and the U.S. are diagnosed with type 2 diabetes, and the best thing you can do for yourself is to begin a new chapter on life – one with a good diet plan, and a fun, attainable exercise plan as well.

By Richard Lobbenberg, Acupuncturist and TCM Practitioner